Bus Tickets to Electric Picnic from Dublin are no longer available online

Bus tickets to Electric Picnic from Dublin are no longer available to purchase online.

You may still buy Bus Tickets for Electric Picnic directly from your local Ticket Master agent.

A limited amount of Bus Tickets will still be available to purchase each day from the "Ticket Bus" which will be parked at Custom House Quay.

Services from Dublin depart from Custom House Quay on Friday, 2 September from 07.30 until 18.00, every 30 minutes. 

On Saturday, 3 September and Sunday, 4 September, there will be hourly departures to Stradbally between 10.00 and 13.00. 

Return services to Custom House Quay depart from Stradbally hourly between 23.00 and 01.00 on Saturday, 2 September.

On Sunday, there are return services to Dublin from 20.30 to 02.00, every 30 minutes. 

On Monday, there are return services to Dublin from 05.00 to 13.30, every 30 minutes

Return fare is €25 

Thursday, 1st September, 2016