
National tickets are standard Bus Éireann bus tickets valid for travel within the Republic of Ireland.

To buy your National Ticket on line you simply select the origin and destination for your journey, the date you wish to travel and the ticket type(s) you wish to purchase

Once your credit card details have been processed, you will be sent an e-mail confirmation with a validation code.

You then print that e-mail or display on your mobile device and present it at the Bus Éireann ticket office or to the bus driver before travelling on the bus. You must present this e-mail otherwise ticket cannot be issued. The ticket clerk or bus driver will check the validation code electronically and then issue you with the appropriate travel ticket in exchange. The ticket issued by the Bus Driver or ticket clerk must be retained for your return journey and you will require that ticket for return journey.

Customers please note you may also be asked to produce photo identification when collecting your e-ticket, e.g. Valid Passport, Driver's licence with photo, International Student Identity Card, CIÉE Photo ID Card, National ID Card, Bus Pass with photo or Work ID with photo.

Customers accessing this website may buy National tickets online for journeys between up to 500 popular destinations throughout the country. Bus Éireann serves over 3,000 locations nationwide so it is not yet possible to buy tickets online for all destinations. The online ecommerce system is undergoing further development and will be expanded over time to include additional destinations.