Galway City Service Changes

Route 409: Eyre Square - Parkmore

During early 2012, Bus Éireann in conjunction with the National Transport Authority carried out a review of their services in Galway City and a revised public transport network was introduced on the 4th March 2012 including the introduction of an enhanced timetable on Route 409: Eyre Square – Parkmore. Customer numbers have grown significantly over the entire network and in particular on Route 409.

Bus Éireann would like to announce the following service enhancements which will be introduced from Sunday 3rd April 2016. These changes have been designed to further improve the reliability and level of service provided to our customers and to further grow public transport usage along the corridor.

The main features of the revised service offering are as follows:

  • The weekday service will increase to every 12minutes from its current every 15minutes between 07:00 to 19:00.
  • The weekday & Saturday service after 19:00hrs will increase to every 20 minutes from its current every 30minutes.
  • The Sunday service will increase to every 20minutes from its current every 30minutes between 12:00hrs and 19:00hrs
  • The Sunday service after 19:00hrs will increase to every 30minutes from its current every 60minutes.

These changes have been approved by the National Transport Authority. The revised timetable is available here: Route 409: Eyre Square - Parkmore

Please see new Route 409 timetable here.

Bus Éireann would like to thank our customers for their continued support of public transport services in Galway City. We look forward to welcoming you on board our improved services in the near future.

If you have any feedback or suggestions in relation to the above please forward your comments to

Friday, 11th March, 2016